Protection dog news
Protection Dogs Bibi and Odin are owned by a London based family. They purchased Bibi as a compact protection dog two years ago following a nasty aggravated burglary.
Posted in Protection dog news
From the very best bloodlines and the most renowned Schnauzer kennels in Germany comes this special dog. Protection Dog Vega is in training to achieve an elite standard. Despite a rather silly haircut Vega is excelling in her training and will become a fabulous protection dog and family pet.
Posted in Protection dog news
As a small company we have always maintained you can't mass produce quality. When training protection dogs to the highest standards we have always maintained that we would keep our business low key and personal. That being said it's been great to see our recognition on the social media sites this week with a growing following I would like to personally thank everyone for their interest and support.
Posted in Protection dog news
The following are recognised as being great breeds for protection dog roles
Posted in Protection dog news
Following the recent hot weather all of our protection dog candidates enjoyed a dip in the local ford. Training for the protection dogs was geared to the weather conditions so an early start for all of us finishing with all protection dogs cooling off
Posted in Protection dog news