Protection Dog Breeding Program

Protection Dog Breeding Program
At K9Protector we made a decision in 2013 to slowly develop our own breeding program. In order to select a puppy for the role of a protection dog there are two things that really do help. Health and Heritage. Firstly all of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents are screened by way of X-ray for any sign's of early dysplasia. They are also subject to other genetic screening. Both parents have to of achieved an Elite protection dog standard on our program. Both grandparents have to of achieved an Elite Protection Dog standard on our program. Our bloodline has been developed from generational breeding and using widely acknowledged bloodlines from the working dog world.
Our facilities are second to none. So we can chart the progress of a protection dog from birth through to being sold to a client at age two. It's a lot of fun and provides a great sense of achievement when you mould a puppy into a family protection dog.
Protection Dogs in training are tested at seven weeks of age which is when we start their obedience training. We again put them through a series of test throughout their first two years as they progress through our structured protection dog training program. Don't get me wrong it's not all work work work they have plenty of down time to be a puppy and play.
Family protection dogs from our breeding program that are for sale on our website will always have the suffix "Vom Valborg" Valborg roughly translated means defender on the battle field we thought this was appropriate and fitting for our puppies.
Of course not every puppy is retained by us for training as we can't dilute our expertise across too many dogs. Some are released to families at 8 weeks of age for sale however we have seen a recent uptake on our basic minimum standard training course. This is a 10 week residential course for a puppy purchased at 8 weeks of age. The owner must have a good level of control through obedience prior to entering the course. Then we train their dog for 10 weeks to a basic minimum standard of personal protection.
For more information on our breeding program and available protection dogs from our breeding program please do not hesitate to mail or call